Explanation of fees
- Registration fee (non refundable): these fees cover the cost of special events and consumable materials throughout the school year for crafts, projects, etc. Discount codes are available for multiple children and for returning families.
- Activity fee: these fees cover class specific items such as class pictures, Christmas gifts, field trips, graduation, etc.
- August tuition (non refundable): due at the time of registration; this reflects ½ of the regular tuition rate.
Registration timeline
- Currently enrolled families may register starting on 2/3/2025.
- Church members and previously enrolled families may register starting on 2/5/2025.
- The general public may register starting on 2/6/2025.
How to register
1. Make an account on "Our School Hangout"
Make sure to add your child as a family member. All email communication will go to the primary account holder.
2. Once your account is approved, log in and check the “Available for Signup” section and choose the class for which you would like to register by clicking on it and then selecting “Sign Up”. Follow the prompts to complete your selection. REMEMBER TO ENTER YOUR DISCOUNT CODE IF YOU HAVE ONE. If your family is new to RPP, your account may not be authorized until the appropriate registration date. Authorizations will be completed by 9:00am the morning of your registration.
3. If the class you wish to join is full, please add your child to the waitlist for that class (there is no cost associated with waitlisting). If you have a second choice, please go ahead and register for that class if spots are available to make sure you get a spot. Waitlists will help inform us of any changes we need to make to class offerings. Please note that placement with a specific teacher is NOT guaranteed. Teacher assignments will be completed in August.
4. Once your child is enrolled, please upload a current immunization form to their account.