Presbyterian Women (PW) is an independent national organization within the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) of more than 300,000 women.
It is also every woman in the Presbyterian Church!
2024 Honorary Life Member, Donna McCoy
RPC PW Circles are meeting!
View Circles to learn more and
Circle 3 Members
Andrea Brantley, Family Promise Executive Director
What is a "Circle"?
Get Linked: Find Your Circle
A “Circle” is a group of women who gather monthly for Bible Study, fellowship, and mission focus. There are five active Circles at RPC, each with its own “vibe.” Feel free to shop around at different Circles before settling into one. You can show up to any of them whenever you are able. Circles begin meeting in September.
Circle 6 members enjoy the festivities after the annual Women’s Advent Service
Women’s Advent Service
First Tuesday of Advent
7:00 p.m.
This women’s evening worship service provides a meaningful time of quiet reflection as the busy season of preparation begins. The worship service is led by our female pastors, choral groups, and musicians. A holiday dessert reception follows in the Narthex. A Thank Offering is collected, which goes to fund PW national and international mission projects, not funded by the General Assembly.
PW Birthday Gathering
April 2025
An annual celebration to recognize achievements, enjoy fellowship, and hear from special guest speaker.
Women of RPC
Women of RPC invites all women to come and see how they can get involved in our women's ministry. Whether through our Presbyterian Women circles, GALs (Gathering All Ladies) social events, or our women's retreats, we offer many ways to connect and grow in faith through fellowship, serving, and study.If you need further information or you are interested in serving on our CT, please contact the PW Moderator.
Our Mission Statement:
Forgiven and freed by God in Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves:
to nurture our faith through prayer and Bible study;
to support the mission of the church worldwide;
to work for justice and peace; and
to build an inclusive, caring community of women that strengthens the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and witnesses to the promise of God’s kingdom. Forgiven and freed by God in Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit.