Monday, June 23:
- Arrive at South Tower of RPC at 12:30
- Please eat lunch before arriving
- Depart from Church by 1:15
- Arrive with at Camp between 3-5 pm
Workdays are Tuesday through Friday Workdays are Tuesday through Friday
A typical Son Servants day includes:
- Quiet time - individual devotions, Son Servants provides our students and leaders with a guide.
- Breakfast
- Gather to send off to worksites
- Serving sites - 9 am - 3 pm
- Return to camp, showers, rest, free time
- Dinner
- Counselor meeting (for logistics, spiritual refreshment)
- Big meeting - worship, games, speaker
- Family Time - this is a time for your group to debrief the day and process what God is doing
Depart Saturday morning, June 28 by 9:00 a.m. - breakfast served, but no programming.
In Chattanooga, the groups stay at Harrison Bay State Park - we will be housed in cabins with bunks, and there is a central bathhouse/restrooms. Wonderful cooks prepare the meals, and groups take turns helping with KP (kitchen patrol - dishes and cleanup). It is a beautiful camp setting, and Son Servants will have the entire facility. Evening worship meetings are held outside under a big pavilion.