In lieu of purchasing poinsettias for the Sanctuary,
the following members have graciously given gifts
in honor or in memory of a loved one to support
the Children's Christmas Fund.


Ellie, Ashley, Daniel, Desi,
Paul & Wilhelmina Alderman

In memory of Lane Alderman, Edward & Jean Alderman, Daniel & Ellie Autry, and Paul Autry

Ina Allison & Jeff Hite
In memory of John Allison

Clifford & Judith Alexander and
Dan & Catharine Wirth

In honor of our grandchildren, Alexander Herman Wirth & Isaac Remington Wirth

In memory of William Remington Alexander and Isabella Remington Koons

Kristy & James Baker
In honor of our grandchildren, Audrey
and Mia Krauss

Susan & Mike Bangs
In honor of our children, Abby Bangs and
Mary & Eduardo Nava

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Best
In honor of our daughters, Allison Rene Lasater and Heather Noelle Anderson

The Braswell Family
In memory of Paul and Brinkley McNeal

Carol Bush
In honor of Henrietta Bush

Jessica Callaham
In honor of Diane Norris

John & Leslie Carruth
In honor of Clark Carruth, Deale, Ellie, Lila & Josephine Carruth, and Chris, Maggie, & Omi O’Connor

Mary & Bill Cox
In honor of Peggy Prather

In memory of Huie & Bertha Cox
and Tom Prather 

Betty Dolson
In honor of children everywhere

Dolores Duvall
In honor of John Perry, Betsy Homer,
Ashley Perry, Camille Core, and all our
amazing choirs who enrich our worship
service with beautiful music

Madalyn & Basil Ford
In memory of our parents

Margaret Friedman
In memory of Elizabeth Stone, Betsy Stone,
& Price Stone

The Frommer Family
In honor of Nancy Puckett
In memory of Larry Puckett

Judy & Ted Gum
In memory of Gwen Orred

Lori & Andrew Hohl
In honor of Glenda Thomson and Tony Samaltanos
In memory of Alex Thomson

Don & Gayle Horton
In honor of our children and grandchildren

Patsy & Richard Judy 
In honor of our grandchildren, Rosie
& Tim Judy

Ellen Keller
In memory of Mary Brennan Murphy

Beth & Scott Lane
In honor of Next Chapter Sunday School Leaders- Susan & Mike Bangs, Debbie & Brian Haughton, David Pynne, and Ellen Lucciola

Townsell Marshall
In memory of Mary, Town, & Joseph Marshall

Genie McCullouogh
In honor of Jeff & Arian Hall, Robby, Adelaide, Davis & Sarah Skinner

In memory of William C. McCullough

Tonya, Michael, Abbey, Maddie
& Lilly Miller

In memory of Patty Cloy

Carol & Dan Nicklen
In Memory of Lee & Nell Eike and Dan Sr.
& Donna Nicklen

Bill & Cheryl Nisbet
In honor of Jackie, Billy, Karen, Campbell,
John, Oliver, & Emerson

Diane Norris
In honor of my grandchildren, Ryan
& Madeline Callaham

In memory of Vernon Norris

Kaye Oliver
In memory of Alex Brown, Charles Morgan Oliver, & Charles Eugene Oliver II

Tracey Phillipps and Beth Lane
In honor of Carmen Ebbing with thanks for her many years of service to the RPC office

Molly & Ted Poister
In honor of our grandchildren, Susannah, Caroline, Rowan, Ada Grey, & Robert Wells

Preising Family
In memory of Max & Jeannette Preising and Harold & Marion Peters 

Nancy Puckett
In honor of Kelly, Creighton, Ryan, &
Anna Frommer and Paul & Gail Clarke

Dave, Dorinda, Caroline & Ben Purvis
In memory of Raymond Hahn and Joseph
& Jane Purvis

Sally Rhoden
In honor of The East Cobb Community
Group at RPC

RPC Staff & Merry Missions Market
To the Glory of God

Kim & George Rumsey
In honor of our grandchildren, Kinley & Alden McClure and Hudson & Hadley Morris

ryeX Youth Ministries 
In honor of our ryeX volunteers and Youth Council: Luke Bachmeier, Sarah Ruth Bachmeier, Spencer Bissell, Clay Boyles, Natalie Fitch, Bill Fleming, Erika Fleming, Matthew Fudger, Gavin Groom, Kyle Herring, Lori Howell, Jake Irwin, Jen Jackson, Ella Kurtz, Valerie Macdonald, Shawn Martz, Anna Miles, Ashley Miller, Anna Padgett, Laura Phelan, David Pynne, Becca Raymond, Scott Raymond, Cole Sandridge, Olivia Searcy, Don Seaman, Mark Seaman, Abby Smith, Rick Stewart, Katy Vogel, Sharon Walker, Jeremey Wise, and Olivia Wise

Kara, Ed, Addie, Ethan, & Olivia Searcy
In memory of our dear Mom and Mimi, Linda Bridges, and our dear Dad and Grandfather, Maxie Searcy

Denise & Steve Seibert
In honor of our grandchildren, Grace & Charlie

Mary Elizabeth Sloop
In memory of Robert “Andrew” Montgomery

Patty Smith
In honor of my grandchildren, Oliver
& Emmie Lim

Nancy M. Soper, Beth & Paul McKibben, Jr., Anna & Ethan, Kathy & Paul Abrahamson, Evan & Owen
In memory of the Rev. Willard “Bill” MacKenzie Soper and Patricia Prince Lafoon

Skip & Dick Souren
In memory of our parents Betsy & Lee Souren and Madge & Dick Long

Bob & Beth St. Jean
In honor of our children, Rob & Alexis St. Jean

Bob & Becky Stout
In honor of Molly Poister and all who served with her to provide hospitality and good food at RPC, John Perry and the wonderful choirs, Sonia Scheb and the great support staff, and
our dear, dear pastoral staff

Marge & Dave Summers
In honor of our 10 Grandchildren, Katie, Weston, Scott, Lauren, Robbie, Jacob, John, Camille, Charlotte, & Colin

Cathey Sutton
In memory of David Sutton

Frank, MaryLynn & Tripp Thach
In honor of Paul Peet

In memory of Bonnie Peet

Glenda Thomson & Tony Samaltanos
In memory of Betty & Glyn Williams,
Alex C. Thomson, Hellen & Spiros Samaltanos, and Marie & Kaliope Samaltanos

Randy & Pam Verma
In honor of the RPC Communion Guild, past and present members

Susan & Carl Waller
In honor of our grandchildren, Cooper & Taylor Weatherford and Miller & Jackson Price

Kalle, Jake, & Avery Wood
In memory of Bill Cubitt and Shirley
& Jimmy Tate

In memory of Joseph & Margherita Fonzino and Harvey & Frances Egan

In memory of Doug & Marian Davis

In memory of Larry Ruff

In memory of Matthew Klein, and his grandmother Joan Klein

In honor of Pam & Bobby Setser

Thank you, from our Mission Partners for your
generosity to the 2024 Children's Christmas Fund

Help children around the world experience
the joy of Christmas throughout the year.

Keep the giving spirit going all year to honor and remember a loved one, a gift can be made at any time.